The world is going big on AI. On April 15, we're going galactic.
Work’s changing fast. Are your people ready?
When they aren't ready, your organization isn’t either. Find out how workforce agility, redefined by AI, can help.

Close the workforce readiness gap
When people are at their best, organizations are too. Close the workforce readiness gap with workforce agility.
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Welcome to Cornerstone Galaxy
Cornerstone Elevate
Accelerate talent and career mobility with internal jobs, gigs, and continuous performance management.
Cornerstone Transform
Stay future-ready with integrated talent intelligence.
Unified, Holistic, Extensible
Create a complete workforce agility strategy that ensures when your people are at their best, your organization is, too.

The undisputed leader in workforce agility
7,000+ customers, 140 million users in 186 countries
19x recognized leader by top analyst firms in 2025
30+ awards for outstanding product, leadership, and innovation
The most iconic brands choose Cornerstone
Cornerstone is an AI-based platform that has really changed the way we look at the future world. It opens up endless possibilities.”
Having everything in one, easy-to-use platform that is accessible anytime has been a lifesaver for us. After enabling mobile learning, we saw usage rise ten-fold! Engagement is at an all-time high, and it’s still going up.”
You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. Cornerstone creates efficiencies to apply their learning to other productive activities.”
Cornerstone is an AI-based platform that has really changed the way we look at the future world. It opens up endless possibilities.”

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