Santa Monica, Calif., December 4, 2009 – Cornerstone OnDemand Inc., a leading provider of on-demand learning and talent management software and services, today announced that the company’s CEO, Adam Miller, and CFO, Perry Wallack, will present at the Barclays Capital 2009 Technology Private Company Conference, to be held Monday, December 7 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. Cornerstone’s presentation is scheduled for 1p.m. PT in the Fountain Room.
The conference will feature presentations from leading private companies with exposure to a variety of important technology trends. Sectors represented will include alternative energy, communications technology, computer hardware and storage, electronics, internet/media, software and technology services.
For more information about Cornerstone OnDemand, visit To read Cornerstone OnDemand’s talent management blog, visit To follow Cornerstone OnDemand on Twitter, visit
Cornerstone Galaxy, a plataforma de agilidade da força de trabalho com IA completa, permite às organizações identificar gaps de skills e oportunidades de desenvolvimento, reter e contratar os melhores talentos e proporcionar experiências de aprendizagem multimodais para atender às necessidades da força de trabalho moderna.
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