Don't Just Write a Business Case, Tell A Story:  Part 3 of 3 -Delivering the Business Case

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Don't Just Write a Business Case, Tell A Story: Part 3 of 3 -Delivering the Business Case

In the first part of this series we focused on being reflective, or more specifically, reflecting on the priorities of your company’s business and how your people-centric priorities support the needs of the business. In the second installment, we focused on getting to the "So What".

Shawn Flynn

Your HR Business Case Was Approved—Here’s How to Actualize It

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Your HR Business Case Was Approved—Here’s How to Actualize It

Congratulations—you received approval on your HR business case and budget. Now what? What if I told you that you have less than a 50% chance of achieving what you got approved? Would you feel good about going back to your executive team in one, two or three years and asking for the same budget again? In my humble opinion, I would say "No," but then again, I’m not much of a gambler with delivering on a commitment.

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