On-demand Webinar

101 webinar series

Learner engagement 101 | Talent marketplaces 101

Building off the back of our September LXP 101 session focused on the EdCast Learning Experience Platform, we hosted two 101 webinars to cover Learner Engagement and Talent Marketplaces. In this series we looked at the underlying motivations driving increased learner engagement in today’s socially engaged world, and discussed the basic principles of talent marketplaces, what they are, how they work and why they have become so important to the modern workplace.

Learner Engagement 101: Taking positive lessons from social media

Even if you have all the best tools in the world at your disposal, if your people aren’t using them, it’s wasted investment. In this short session we looked at learning lessons from social media to drive interest in and engagement with your learning tools. From achievement sharing to recommendations from peers to AI-powered content delivery, corporate L&D has a lot to learn from social media platforms.

  • How to use social tools to increase learner engagement
  • What corporate learning can learn from social media
  • What social learning can look like in the corporate L&D world in practice

Talent Marketplaces 101

From talent hoarding line managers to inaccessible internal career paths, to a lack of skills alignment to people and roles, businesses have been failing to drive true internal mobility linked to real business needs. However, this is slowly starting to change with the growth of talent marketplaces and the changes they can bring about inside an organisation.

The talent marketplace is the hub for all things skills and development. It can also be the place where L&D can see where they have impacted the organisation from performance development plans, to internal mobility moves to planning for the future with visibility into people’s development wishes - a talent marketplace can help HR and L&D show their value to the organisation.

During this webinar we looked at how you can better understand your employees’ expectations around internal development, what your leaders must do to succeed and the critical role skills development plays.

  • How employee retention strategies can be supported by L&D
  • The role of L&D in internal career mobility
  • How to kickstart your skills strategy to impact more than just L&D
  • How to make the best use of skills across your organisation
  • What this looks like in practice


Dominic Holmes

Principal, Thought Leadership and Advisory Services | Cornerstone

Sarah Spence

Senior Solution Consultant | Cornerstone

Paul Jagger

Principal Solution Consultant

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