
Lighthouse Research & Advisory: 2024 Workforce Agility Infographic

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Rapid technological advancements and unpredictable market dynamics create an incredible challenge for organizations — the workforce readiness gap. The gap — an inability of a workforce to adapt to the pace of change — lowers companies' capacity to identify and develop essential skills, address the evolving development needs of their workforce, and leverage critical employee insights.

The gap is only getting wider, and in turn impacting revenue and efficiency. But there is a solution. It’s workforce agility. Employee development, visibility into skills, and the increasing rate of change all contribute to the workforce readiness gap. While 80% of employers think their workforce receives adequate training and development to do their job well, 43% of employees do not think they have the support and resources to adapt to changing work conditions.

Download this infographic to understand the challenges employers face globally and outlining strategies to build a future-ready, capable, and flexible workforce.

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Lighthouse Research & Advisory: Infografik zur Workforce Agility 2024, Deutschland


Lighthouse Research & Advisory: Infografik zur Workforce Agility 2024, Deutschland

Der rasante technologische Wandel und kaum berechenbare Marktdynamiken stellen Unternehmen vor eine große Herausforderung: die Workforce-Readiness-Lücke. Der Begriff steht für die Schwierigkeiten von Belegschaften, sich schnell genug an Veränderungen anzupassen. Diese Lücke erschwert es Unternehmen, wesentliche Skills zu identifizieren und aufzubauen, auf die sich verändernden Entwicklungsbedürfnisse der Belegschaft einzugehen und wichtige Mitarbeiterdaten zu nutzen.

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