Awards and achievements of 2023: Celebrating customer success
Success isn't just about innovative technology or cutting-edge solutions. It's about the remarkable journeys and accomplishments of our customers. Our customers' success stretches far beyond technology to create exceptional people experiences through engagement and culture. As we begin the new year, it's a privilege to spotlight the incredible achievements and recognition our customers earned throughout 2023.
Réinventer le travail pour un monde nouveau – Prédictions RH 2024
Au carrefour de la technologie et des collaborateurs, les responsables RH jouent un rôle de premier plan dans la transformation et l'adaptation des entreprises aux complexités du monde du travail moderne. À mesure que nous avançons dans l'année 2024, les changements rapides, portés par les avancées technologiques, nécessitent une excellente compréhension des tendances émergentes.
HR tech revolution: Shaping positive workplace cultures
As we keep pace with the fast-moving trends, we understand the vital role culture and technology play in creating a happy, healthy and productive workplace. We’re all about embracing the future, and our HR leaders are at the forefront of talent management, understanding the evolving landscape of work and the transformative impact of technology. Drawing on insights from our Talent Health Index and 2024 HR Predictions Report Remaking Work for a New World, we’ll explore how HR technology is changing the game and revolutionizing how we work.
All aboard the workforce agility express at Connect Live London 2024
Cornerstone Connect Live London 2024 came to life again following last year’s success in the iconic Stamford Bridge Stadium, home to the Premier League club Chelsea FC. Gathering our incredible community at this legendary venue was nothing short of magical. Walking through the same corridors as some of the greatest athletes in history set the stage for an extraordinary event that was much more than just a conference —it was a celebration of innovation, knowledge sharing, and allowing attendees to connect with like-minded professionals in a one-of-a-kind setting. These opportunities fostered long-lasting relationships, opening doors for future collaborations and partnerships. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this remarkable event possible!
Reinventare il lavoro per un mondo nuovo: Previsioni HR 2024
Vero e proprio snodo fra tecnologia e forza lavoro, i responsabili HR sono in prima linea nel cambiare il modo in cui le organizzazioni si muovono nel complesso mondo del lavoro attuale. Con l'inizio del 2024, la rapidità del cambiamento, alimentata dai progressi della tecnologia, richiede una conoscenza approfondita dei trend emergenti.
Building Better Workplaces: HR Tech reshaping workplace cultures for success
As we keep pace with the fast-moving trends, we understand the vital role culture and technology play in creating a happy, healthy and productive workplace. We’re all about embracing the future, and our HR leaders are at the forefront of talent management, understanding the evolving landscape of work and the transformative impact of technology. Drawing on insights from our Talent Health Index and 2024 HR Predictions Report Remaking Work for a New World, we’ll explore how HR technology is changing the game and revolutionising how we work.
Connect Live Paris 2024: Façonner l'avenir du travail
C'est toujours un plaisir de revenir à Paris pour découvrir son architecture à couper le souffle, son art florissant et ses monuments emblématiques. Cette année, l'événement Connect Live Paris s'est tenu au cœur de Paris, au prestigieux Pullman Hotel Tour Eiffel, près de la Tour Eiffel. Conçu pour plonger les participants dans l’expectative de ce que à quoi ressemblera la gestion du travail de demain, cet événement était bien plus qu'un moment de réseautage : il s'agissait d'une expérience transformatrice. Les participants ont rencontré des leaders visionnaires, participé à des discussions dynamiques et exploré des innovations révolutionnaires. Le lieu, avec son design moderne et son emplacement de choix, a renforcé l'impact de l'événement, offrant un environnement unique et inspirant pour l'apprentissage et la collaboration.
Connect Live Frankfurt: Talent Mobility and Digital Transformation
After our two flagship events in Europe last year – Connect Live in London and Paris, we kicked off this year with Connect Live Mumbai. Following Mumbai, for the first time, in Germany, we held our Connect Live Frankfurt event, where the excitement was palpable.
Celebrating customer success in 2023: A year of achievements and awards
Success isn't just about innovative technology or cutting-edge solutions. It's about the remarkable journeys and accomplishments of our customers. Our customers' success stretches far beyond technology to create exceptional people experiences through engagement and culture. As we begin the new year, it's a privilege to spotlight the incredible achievements and recognition our customers earned throughout 2023.
Wenn Talentmobilität der Schlüssel zum Erfolg wird: DHLs Karrieremarktplatz
Willkommen zu einer aufschlussreichen Podcast-Episode mit Dr. Ralf Wiechers, Executive Vice President bei DHL, und Professor Dr. Armin Trost von der Universität Furtwangen. Heute auf dem Menü: der neue und innovative Karrieremarktplatz der DHL. : Dieser soll künftig ein entscheidender Bestandteil ihrer Talentmobilitätsstrategie werden, die in Partnerschaft mit Cornerstone entwickelt wurde. Die beiden Spezialisten diskutieren, was eine solche transformative Plattform überhaupt leisten kann, worauf diese abzielt und wie das aktive Talentmanagement die Karrierechancen der einzelnen Mitarbeiter bei DHL revolutioniert. Eine absolut bahnbrechende Initiative, die die Talentmobilität und das Mitarbeiterentwicklungsumfeld innerhalb der DHL neu definiert.
Successo garantito: il valore delle competenze per assunzioni efficaci
In un mondo del lavoro frenetico e turbolento, stiamo assistendo a un cambiamento interessante nelle modalità di assunzione del personale. Ci stiamo infatti allontanando dai metodi tradizionali per entrare in una nuova era nella quale le competenze rappresentano un elemento determinante. Ti interessa approfondire questa svolta? Allora analizziamo insieme perché le competenze stanno diventando il fattore chiave per prevedere e garantire il successo della forza lavoro.
Awards and achievements of 2023: Celebrating customer success
Success isn't just about innovative technology or cutting-edge solutions. It's about the remarkable journeys and accomplishments of our customers. Our customers' success stretches far beyond technology to create exceptional people experiences through engagement and culture. As we begin the new year, it's a privilege to spotlight the incredible achievements and recognition our customers earned throughout 2023.