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Cornerstone Recruiting

Hire and retain the best talent

Learn in your custom demo how you can find the right people, match them to their perfect role, and set them up for success.
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Unlock smarter hiring through better recruiting software

Attract the best-fit candidates

Attract the best-fit candidates

Bring in more top talent with a seamless, end-to-end experience from job browsing to signing offer letters.

Save time and effort

Save time and effort

Automate tasks and remove bottlenecks with a single page to manage candidates across all requisitions.

Uncover hidden talent

Uncover hidden talent

Discover your top internal talent by easily identifying employee skills and matching them to opportunities.

Drive engagement from the start

Drive engagement from the start

Customize onboarding flows and pages to help new hires easily ramp up and feel like a part of the team.

Find and know everything you need to attract top talent

Create and easily maintain a warm pool of qualified candidates to reduce cost and time to hire.

Watch the Cornerstone Recruiting demo
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Real-life success stories from Cornerstone customers

Real-life success stories from Cornerstone customers

The most significant improvement was an increase in applications by 60% and a decrease in time to hire by 20%.
Kuehne + Nagel
Oleg Barinov
Data Integration Specialist, Kuehne + Nagel
Cornerstone is more than a product. We're your partner.

Cornerstone is more than a product. We're your partner.

For more than two decades, we've been at the forefront of talent and people innovation, helping our customers stay ahead of the curve. Our team of experts deeply understands your unique talent challenges and opportunities with an unwavering focus on our customers' success. Together, we will work hand-in-hand with you to deliver extraordinary experiences and the results that matter to your organization.

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Talk to a Cornerstone expert about your organization’s unique people management needs.