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Don't Fall Behind on Learning—Close the Skills Gap Today
This article was originally published on
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Realizing Our Potential: The Evolution of Cornerstone
In 1999, Cornerstone OnDemand started with a few modest start-up trappings: a whiteboard, a shared cordless phone, a meeting room at a Santa Monica bowling alley and a bold idea. We wanted to change the world through online learning. Sixteen years later, that idea has flourished into a multi-billion dollar global technology company with products in use by more than 20 million people in nearly 200 countries.
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Why L.A. Has the Most Innovative Technology Ecosystem in the Nation
Something important is happening in Los Angeles right now and it doesn’t involve red carpets and Hollywood movie stars. Los Angeles is quickly gaining ground as one of the most rapidly growing technology ecosystems in the country.
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Business Unbound: A Vision and New Strategies for the New World of Work
Yesterday looks nothing like today. For some companies, the COVID-19 crisis has brought business to a grinding halt—but for others, it’s kicked things into hyperdrive. The trends that were emerging before the crisis have accelerated: Digital transformation initiatives have a heightened urgency as businesses are now required to pivot on a dime. The trend toward remote work has manifested in full. The need to reskill and upskill the workforce is now an immediate concern rather than a provision for the future. Change is not optional. How to change is now the critical question.
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Unbound Business: Eine Vision und neue Strategien für die zukünftige Welt der Arbeit
Was gestern noch wichtig war, hat heute schon keine Bedeutung mehr. Für einige Unternehmen hat die COVID-19-Krise das Geschäft zum Erliegen gebracht – für andere aber hat sie die Dinge in eine Art Hyperantrieb versetzt. Die Trends, die sich vor der Krise abzeichneten, haben sich beschleunigt: Initiativen zur digitalen Transformation haben daher eine erhöhte Dringlichkeit, weil die Unternehmen nun gezwungen sind, sich auf ihre Stärken zu besinnen. Der Trend zum Home-Office hat sich in vollem Umfang manifestiert. Der Bedarf an neuen Qualifikationen in der Belegschaft ist jetzt eher ein unmittelbares Anliegen als eine Vorsorge für die Zukunft. Veränderungen sind nicht länger mehr nur optional. Vor allem wie man sich ändert, ist nun die entscheidende Frage.
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From the CEO's Desk: Los Angeles Tech Companies Have United to Support Those Most in Need
Across the globe, COVID-19 has completely disrupted life as we know it. Here at Cornerstone, we quickly transitioned to a 100% work-from-home policy and enacted a number of initiatives to help our people stay safe, healthy and feel productive. We also put our technology to good use and launchedCornerstone Cares, a multi-language website offering free learning content on COVID-19, stress management, working from home best practices, and tips for teachers transitioning to online classrooms for the first time.
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LA Tech: Our Time to Shine
It’s been a full year since we hosted the inaugural LA Tech Summit. In that time, a lot has changed in the technology ecosystem of LA and Southern California: big growth, new players, marquee exits, new investment dollars, stronger connections and a higher profile for the community as a whole.
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Business Unbound: A Vision and New Strategies for the New World of Work
Yesterday looks nothing like today. For some companies, the COVID-19 crisis has brought business to a grinding halt—but for others, it’s kicked things into hyperdrive. The trends that were emerging before the crisis have accelerated: Digital transformation initiatives have a heightened urgency as businesses are now required to pivot on a dime. The trend toward remote work has manifested in full. The need to reskill and upskill the workforce is now an immediate concern rather than a provision for the future. Change is not optional. How to change is now the critical question.
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From the CEO's Desk: Together, We Can Make A Difference
As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, it is profoundly changing the way we live and work. Our hearts go out to those already impacted by the virus, and we want to do everything we can to protect and support our global community through this unprecedented period of uncertainty. Since millions of people around the world turn to Cornerstone for continued learning, we wanted to use our tools to help the community during this crisis.
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Business senza vincoli: una visione e nuove strategie per il nuovo mondo del lavoro
Ieri non assomiglia per niente a oggi. Per alcune aziende, la crisi COVID-19 ha bloccato improvvisamente il business, ma per altre ha messo le cose in grande movimento. Le tendenze che stavano emergendo prima della crisi hanno subìto un’accelerazione: le iniziative di trasformazione digitale sono diventate molto più urgenti poiché ora le aziende sono tenute a cambiare velocemente. La tendenza verso il lavoro da remoto si è manifestata in pieno. La necessità di formare di nuovo la forza lavoro ampliando il know-how con nuove competenze è ora un’esigenza immediata piuttosto che un pensiero legato al futuro. Il cambiamento non è facoltativo. La domanda chiave adesso è come cambiare.
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Negocio Unbound. Una visión y nuevas estrategias para el nuevo mundo del trabajo
Ayer no se parece en nada a hoy. Para algunas empresas, la crisis de COVID-19 ha frenado el negocio, pero para otras ha puesto las cosas en hipervelocidad. Las tendencias que estaban surgiendo antes de la crisis se han acelerado: Las iniciativas de transformación digital son más urgentes, ya que ahora las empresas tienen que tomar decisiones rápidas. La tendencia hacia el trabajo a distancia se ha manifestado en su totalidad. La necesidad de volver a capacitar y mejorar la plantilla es ahora una preocupación inmediata en lugar de una improvisación en el futuro. El cambio no es opcional. Cómo cambiar es ahora la cuestión crítica.