Exemples d'offres mondiales
Des contenus disponibles en plusieurs langues – allemand, français, italien, espagnol, etc.
Skill Pill's comprehensive micro-learning library specializes in behavioral soft skills and essential business management and strategy models optimized for on-the-go consumption. Available in multiple languages for global learners.
Bookboon empowers employees to succeed both academically and professionally. Bookboon provides quick skills learning through audio learning, eBooks, and online courses. Available in multiple languages for global learners.
MyBreev offers unique eLearning courses on various topics related to an organization's security and its employees — like cyber security, occupational safety, compliance, or other related topics. Available in multiple languages for global learners.
TED is a longtime Cornerstone partner and popular provider among learning teams. TED has taken its bold, innovative ideas and made them more actionable than ever before for today’s workplace, and at the same time, inspire new ways of working. Available in multiple languages for global learners.
Cegos, leader mondial de la formation professionnelle, propose des formations axées sur les ressources humaines, le management et la gestion, la performance et l'organisation, l'efficacité individuelle et collective, le marketing et la vente, la gestion de projet. Disponible en plusieurs langues pour les apprenants du monde entier.
Pink University is a leading quality provider for eTrainings across all professional skills. With its multimedia and interactive courses, Pink University can replace classroom training. Available in multiple languages for global learners.
ENI eLearning, an expert in computer training, helps support employees during an organization’s digital transformation and accelerates the adoption of IT skills across varied formats and multiple languages.
isEazy provides all the soft skills that a team needs now without limits and helps improve the results of competence and skills training by adapting them to the new ways of learning through the most cutting-edge technology. Available in Spanish.
Halifax digital learning courses provide a full array of cutting-edge solutions that boost sales and sales management skills. Available in French.
MicroLearn's eLearning library covers everything from health and safety and compliance courses to personal and professional development. The courses help deliver the learning employees need to stay safe, meet compliance requirements, and drive their development.
Skilla provides highly engaging, bite-size eLearning content at the point of need, wherever and whenever that may be. Available in Italian.
Speexx provides online and mobile language training and testing solutions for a global workforce.
goFLUENT accelerates language learning. Its courses help consumers gain confidence, save time, and grow their talent.