Spatial XR

Cornerstone Immersive Learning

Build critical skills faster with personalized 
learning in extended reality (XR) simulations 
of real-life work situations.

Expanding how you grow

Immersive learning content
AI-powered content authoring
Skills analytics dashboard
Immersive learning will shape the future of work

Immersive learning will shape the future of work

The immersive learning market is already estimated at $4 billion and is expected to grow at 31% CAGR over the next five years. This amazing new technology, which has been proven to almost triple learning impact, is now breaking out. I’m excited to see Cornerstone take a lead and provide an end-to-end solution in this market.”

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Supercharge skill development through performance planning


Supercharge skill development through performance planning

As an HR professional, you have to keep your entire organization ahead of the curve to succeed. Skills are the bridge connecting individual performance and holistic growth within your organization. In other words, for your entire company to achieve its potential, every person on your team needs to achieve their own goals first.

Planifiez un entretien personnalisé

Discutez avec un expert Cornerstone des besoins spécifiques de votre organisation en matière de gestion du personnel.

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