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5 Reasons Managers Need to Delegate
Does the idea of delegating tasks cause you to break out in a cold sweat? Do things always have to be done your way?
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How to Write a Great Performance Review in 10 Steps
No matter how long you've been a manager, most of us struggle with writing employee performance reviews.
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Create a Great Culture Through Compassionate Coaching
An article in the Harvard Business Reviewtalks about creating a culture of unconditional love. Before you groan and roll your eyes, this doesn't mean starting every day at the office with a group hug. It's about creating an environment that binds the team together and inspires them to work passionately towards a common purpose.
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How Lack of Motivation is Killing Your Company
Motivation is the force that converts intention into action. In a work setting, it's the drive that helps maintain goal-directed performance. For over 40 years, scientists and business researchers have conducted numerous studies to determine what incentives help motivate employees. So many companies spend thousands of dollars hiring outside firms to give motivation seminars, realizing that by nurturing the talent of individuals and building stronger teams, they can help cultivate a happy work environment.