DNA: Digital Native Advancement

DNA: Digital Native Advancement

DNA is made up of self-directed, socially driven learning bursts focused on teaching digital natives (and non-natives) people skills at work. This mobile-first learning series answers trending workplace questions from the newest generation of the workforce — Gen Z — and helps them navigate challenges over their first year at work.

30 Courses | nanolearning | All levels


Corsi nuovi e più richiesti

Power Up Your To-Do List

Competenze professionali

Power Up Your To-Do List

Personal Effectiveness

AssembleYou | French

DNA: Corporate Sustainability

Competenze professionali

DNA: Corporate Sustainability

Abilità interpersonali

Cornerstone Originals | 2mins | English

Quick And Easy Self Motivation Hacks

Competenze professionali

Quick And Easy Self Motivation Hacks

Abilità interpersonali

Mind Tools for Business | 5mins | English

Macroeconomics of Climate Change (1/3)

Competenze professionali

Macroeconomics of Climate Change (1/3)

Finance and Accounting

Finance Unlocked | 12mins | English

Arbeiten im Home-Office

Competenze professionali

Arbeiten im Home-Office

Remote Work

MyBreev | 30mins | German

Tips for Productive Remote Work

Competenze professionali

Tips for Productive Remote Work

Lavoro ibrido e da remoto

Grovo | 3mins | English, German, French, Spanish

Having Powerful, Advanced Conversations

Competenze professionali

Having Powerful, Advanced Conversations

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Madecraft | 51mins | English

Use Active Listening to Validate a Customer's Needs

Competenze professionali

Use Active Listening to Validate a Customer's Needs

Abilità interpersonali

Grovo | 4mins | English

My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee | A.J. Jacobs

Competenze professionali

My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee | A.J. Jacobs

Intelligenza emotiva

TED | 16mins | English, German, French, Spanish

How to Master Your Emotions | Sam Harris

Competenze professionali

How to Master Your Emotions | Sam Harris

Intelligenza emotiva

Masters Of Scale | 33mins | English

The H Files: Project Management, Agree on a Project’s Goals Before You Start

Competenze professionali

The H Files: Project Management, Agree on a Project’s Goals Before You Start

Gestione di progetto

Cornerstone Originals | 2mins | English

Dai un'occhiata

Guarda in anteprima alcuni dei nostri corsi più richiesti. Per accedere alla nostra offerta completa, contattaci per una demo gratuita.

Boosting your Confidence

Competenze professionali

Boosting your Confidence

Personal Effectiveness

Skill Pill | 2mins | German

Agile Project Management

Competenze professionali

Agile Project Management

Gestione di progetto

Skill Pill | French

Manager son manager 6/20 : Mon manager me colle une étiquette

Competenze professionali

Manager son manager 6/20 : Mon manager me colle une étiquette

Percorso di carriera

ASB Publishing | 3mins | French

Agile Project Management

Competenze professionali

Agile Project Management

Gestione di progetto

Skill Pill | English


Competenze professionali



Liggy Webb | 25mins | English

El Viaje del héroe

Competenze professionali

El Viaje del héroe


Coocrea | 90mins | Spanish

Quick And Easy Self Motivation Hacks

Competenze professionali

Quick And Easy Self Motivation Hacks

Abilità interpersonali

Mind Tools for Business | 5mins | English

Advanced Microsoft Excel 2019 PC

Competenze professionali

Advanced Microsoft Excel 2019 PC

Office Productivity

Filtered | 210mins | English

Agile Project Management

Competenze professionali

Agile Project Management

Gestione di progetto

Skill Pill | Spanish

Agile Project Management

Competenze professionali

Agile Project Management

Gestione di progetto

Skill Pill | German

Macroeconomics of Climate Change (1/3)

Competenze professionali

Macroeconomics of Climate Change (1/3)

Finance and Accounting

Finance Unlocked | 12mins | English

Etre le stratège de son temps

Competenze professionali

Etre le stratège de son temps

Gestione del tempo

Cegos | 15mins | French

Arbeiten im Home-Office

Competenze professionali

Arbeiten im Home-Office

Remote Work

MyBreev | 30mins | German

Tips for Productive Remote Work

Competenze professionali

Tips for Productive Remote Work

Lavoro ibrido e da remoto

Grovo | 3mins | English, German, French, Spanish

The H Files: Communicate with Your Stakeholders

Competenze professionali

The H Files: Communicate with Your Stakeholders

Gestione di progetto

Cornerstone Originals | 2mins | English, French, German, Spanish

Top Excel Tips and Tricks

Competenze professionali

Settore pubblico

Top Excel Tips and Tricks

Software aziendale

Mind Channel | 5mins | French, English, Spanish

Made for Now: Mental Health for Managers

Competenze professionali

Settore pubblico

Made for Now: Mental Health for Managers

Salute mentale

Grovo | 3mins | English

Process Feedback with An Open Mind

Competenze professionali

Process Feedback with An Open Mind

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Grovo | 4mins | English

Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience

Competenze professionali

Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience

Capacità di presentazione

Grovo | 3mins | English

What Is Change Management

Competenze professionali

Settore pubblico

What Is Change Management

Gestione del cambiamento

Grovo | 4mins | English

Communicate Proactively When You Have Multiple Managers

Competenze professionali

Communicate Proactively When You Have Multiple Managers

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Grovo | 4mins | English

Defending an argument

Competenze professionali

Defending an argument

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

goFLUENT | 30mins | English

Breaking the ice before a business meeting

Competenze professionali

Breaking the ice before a business meeting

Lavoro in team e collaborazione

goFLUENT | 30mins | English

Having Powerful, Advanced Conversations

Competenze professionali

Having Powerful, Advanced Conversations

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Madecraft | 51mins | English

Communicate Your Emotions at Work

Competenze professionali

Communicate Your Emotions at Work

Salute mentale

Grovo | 3mins | English

How to Have a Conversation about Mental Health

Competenze professionali

How to Have a Conversation about Mental Health

Salute mentale

iAM Learning | 5mins | English

The Holistic Approach to Customer Service

Competenze professionali

The Holistic Approach to Customer Service

Servizio clienti

Grovo | 6mins | English

Active Listening

Competenze professionali

Active Listening

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

ej4 | 2mins | English

Intro to Finance: 01. Why Learn About Finance?

Competenze professionali

Intro to Finance: 01. Why Learn About Finance?

Finanza e contabilità

ej4 | 4mins | English

Build Your Mindfulness Muscle

Competenze professionali

Build Your Mindfulness Muscle

Salute personale

Grovo | 4mins | English

What Is Customer Focus?

Competenze professionali

What Is Customer Focus?

Servizio clienti

Grovo | 3mins | English

Use Active Listening to Validate a Customer's Needs

Competenze professionali

Use Active Listening to Validate a Customer's Needs

Abilità interpersonali

Grovo | 4mins | English

Stay Healthy While Working Remotely

Competenze professionali

Stay Healthy While Working Remotely

Lavoro ibrido e da remoto

Grovo | 3mins | English

To design better tech, understand context: Tania Douglas

Competenze professionali

To design better tech, understand context: Tania Douglas

Creatività e innovazione

TED | 8mins | English

Comment faire des retours

Competenze professionali

Comment faire des retours

Servizio clienti

Mind Channel | 5mins | French

Was Sie über Language Intelligence

Competenze professionali

Was Sie über Language Intelligence

Personal Effectiveness

Skill Pill | 5mins | German

I fondamenti del project management - Parte A

Competenze professionali

I fondamenti del project management - Parte A

Gestione di progetto

Cegos | 7mins | Italian

DNA: Get Your Voice Out There

Competenze professionali

Settore pubblico

DNA: Get Your Voice Out There

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Cornerstone Originals | 2mins | English

Unlocking Your Potential

Competenze professionali

Unlocking Your Potential

Percorso di carriera

MadeCraft | 46mins | English

Online-Meetings moderieren

Competenze professionali

Online-Meetings moderieren

Gestione delle riunioni

Pink University | 51mins | German

How Do You Start Online Networking?

Competenze professionali

How Do You Start Online Networking?

Percorso di carriera

Grovo | 5mins | English

Agile & Scrum 101

Competenze professionali

Agile & Scrum 101

Trasformazione digitale

CyberU | 29mins | English

Saper gestire lo stress

Competenze professionali

Saper gestire lo stress

Salute personale

Cegos | 9mins | Italian

Focalizzarsi sull’essenziale e gestire le priorità

Competenze professionali

Focalizzarsi sull’essenziale e gestire le priorità

Gestione di progetto

Cegos | 7mins | Italian

Giving feedback using different communication styles

Competenze professionali

Giving feedback using different communication styles

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

goFLUENT | 30mins | English

The H Files: Project Management, Agree on a Project’s Goals Before You Start

Competenze professionali

The H Files: Project Management, Agree on a Project’s Goals Before You Start

Gestione di progetto

Cornerstone Originals | 2mins | English

Ejecución y control de proyectos

Competenze professionali

Ejecución y control de proyectos

Gestione di progetto

B-Talent | 30mins | Spanish

Organiza tu tiempo eficazmente

Competenze professionali

Organiza tu tiempo eficazmente

Gestione del tempo

B-Talent | 8mins | Spanish

Playlist in evidenza: Gestione di progetto

Ejecución y control de proyectos

Competenze professionali

Ejecución y control de proyectos

Gestione di progetto

B-Talent | 30mins | Spanish

The H Files: Communicate with Your Stakeholders

Competenze professionali

The H Files: Communicate with Your Stakeholders

Gestione di progetto

Cornerstone Originals | 2mins | English, French, German, Spanish

I fondamenti del project management - Parte A

Competenze professionali

I fondamenti del project management - Parte A

Gestione di progetto

Cegos | 7mins | Italian

Focalizzarsi sull’essenziale e gestire le priorità

Competenze professionali

Focalizzarsi sull’essenziale e gestire le priorità

Gestione di progetto

Cegos | 7mins | Italian

Playlist in evidenza: Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Defending an argument

Competenze professionali

Defending an argument

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

goFLUENT | 30mins | English

Giving feedback using different communication styles

Competenze professionali

Giving feedback using different communication styles

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

goFLUENT | 30mins | English

Was Sie über Language Intelligence

Competenze professionali

Was Sie über Language Intelligence

Personal Effectiveness

Skill Pill | 5mins | German

Communicate Proactively When You Have Multiple Managers

Competenze professionali

Communicate Proactively When You Have Multiple Managers

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Grovo | 4mins | English

Process Feedback with An Open Mind

Competenze professionali

Process Feedback with An Open Mind

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

Grovo | 4mins | English

Active Listening

Competenze professionali

Active Listening

Abilità relazionali e comunicative

ej4 | 2mins | English

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