2007-02-27 Cornerstone OnDemand Selected as Finalist for TCOSC Software Company of the Year

FEBRUARY 27, 2007

Technology Council of Southern California Honors Best and Brightest Companies for 2007 Technology Industry Awards

Santa Monica, CA – February 27, 2007Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc., the only proven provider of on-demand, integrated talent management software and services, today announced that the company is a finalist in the Software Company of the Year award category for the Technology Council of Southern California’s 2007 Technology Industry Awards. The other finalists in the private company subcategory include: Portellus, Inc., and WebVisible. In the past year the Council chose to expand their community to include all of the software and technology innovators within Southern California.

The Council’s 2007 Technology Industry Awards honor individuals and companies that have made extraordinary contributions to the growth of Southern California as a center for technological innovation. The awards will be presented at a gala dinner event on Wednesday, March 7, 2007, at the historic Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.

“Cornerstone is honored to be among the finalists in this prestigious category,” said Adam Miller, President and CEO of Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. "We take our responsibility to our customers and the community very seriously and are proud to be recognized by TCOSC as an innovator and valuable contributor to the technology community within Southern California.”

In 2006, Adam Miller was named a finalist in the Council’s Technology Industry Awards Entrepreneur of the Year award category.

AI搭載のプラットフォームであり、組織が必要としているワークフォース・アジリティ(組織の即応性)に対応するCornerstone Galaxyは、組織がスキルギャップや能力開発の機会を特定し、優秀な人財を引き付けると共にエンゲージメントを高め、現代の組織における多様なニーズに応える多面的な学習体験を提供することを実現します。

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