Cornerstone Completes Acquisition of Saba Software

APRIL 22, 2020

Cornerstone Completes Acquisition of Saba Software

SANTA MONICA, Calif. — April 22, 2020 — Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSOD), a global leader in people development solutions, today announced the closing of its acquisition of Saba Software, a global leader in talent experience solutions and a portfolio company of Vector Capital. In light of current market conditions, the total transaction value has been reduced from $1.395 billion at the time of announcement to approximately $1.295 billion at closing.

Cornerstone will share detailed financial and operational updates during an expanded first quarter earnings call on May 11, 2020.

AI搭載のプラットフォームであり、組織が必要としているワークフォース・アジリティ(組織の即応性)に対応するCornerstone Galaxyは、組織がスキルギャップや能力開発の機会を特定し、優秀な人財を引き付けると共にエンゲージメントを高め、現代の組織における多様なニーズに応える多面的な学習体験を提供することを実現します。

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