Cornerstone OnDemand Positioned as Leader in 2013 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Talent Management Suites Report

MARCH 18, 2013

Cornerstone OnDemand Positioned as Leader in 2013 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Talent Management Suites Report

SANTA MONICA, Calif., March 18, 2013Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ: CSOD), a global leader in cloud-based talent management software solutions, today announced it has been placed by Gartner Inc. in the “Leaders Quadrant” of the 2013 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Talent Management Suites report.1 According to the report, talent management suites include capabilities for learning management, performance management, succession planning, compensation management and recruiting management. The Magic Quadrant positions vendors according to their “Ability to Execute” and “Completeness of Vision.”

“We believe our recognition as a Leader in the first Gartner Magic Quadrant for Talent Management Suites further confirms Cornerstone’s product leadership, focus on innovation and dedication to client success,” said Adam Miller, founder and CEO of Cornerstone OnDemand. “Talent management has emerged as one of the most important business initiatives within global organizations today. We feel our placement as the only independent, best-of-breed vendor in the Leaders Quadrant is a testament to the depth of our solution and our commitment to our more than 10 million users worldwide.”

According to the report, Leaders demonstrate a market-defining vision of how talent management technology can help HR leaders achieve business objectives. Leaders have the ability to execute against that vision through products, services and demonstrated, solid business results in the form of revenue and earnings. In talent management suites, Leaders show a consistent ability to win broad suite deals. They have significant successful customer deployments in North America, EMEA and the Asia/Pacific region in a wide variety of vertical industries, with multiple proof points. Leaders are often what other providers in the market measure themselves against.

In addition to the Gartner report, Cornerstone also was ranked as a “Leader” in the March 2013 report, “The Forrester Wave™: Talent Management, Q1 2013” by Forrester Research Inc.

For more information about Cornerstone OnDemand, visit To follow Cornerstone OnDemand on Twitter, go to To read Cornerstone OnDemand’s talent management blog, visit

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