Cornerstone OnDemand's Recruiting Cloud Recognized as Best New Human Capital Management Solution

SEPTEMBER 28, 2012

Cornerstone OnDemand's Recruiting Cloud Recognized as Best New Human Capital Management Solution

SANTA MONICA, Calif., September 28, 2012Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ:CSOD), a global leader in cloud-based talent management software solutions, today announced that the company is a gold award winner in the “Best New Human Capital Management Solution” software category of the 10th annual American Business AwardsSM.

Cornerstone was recognized for the recently released Cornerstone Recruiting Cloud, which integrates with Cornerstone’s comprehensive talent management suite and supports the modern ways that businesses source, recruit, hire and onboard new employees. The company also was honored for its new Cornerstone Volunteer Management solution for managing corporate and non-profit volunteer programs and matching volunteers with relevant opportunities.

“The American Business Awards program highlights some of the most innovative companies and products, and we are delighted to have Cornerstone honored among this group,” said Jason Corsello, VP of Marketing and Strategy for Cornerstone OnDemand. “Many talent acquisition solutions were built for the way people recruited a decade ago, so we developed the Cornerstone Recruiting Cloud to help organizations leverage the power of social recruiting. It is an extension of our commitment to providing our clients with best-in-class solutions for sourcing, training and managing their global workforces.”

The American Business Awards is the nation’s premier business awards program. All organizations operating in the U.S. are eligible to submit entries, including public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. More than 3,000 entries from companies of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted for consideration across 100-plus categories for this year’s competition. Winners were selected by 270 executives involved in the judging process. For more information about the awards, as well as the lists of award winners, visit

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