
Cornerstone Content Subscription: Technology

Build and Advance Digital Skills and Fluency

By 2028, 44 percent of worker skills will be disrupted, and the number of global digital jobs is expected to rise to around 92 million.(WEF) (WEF).

To support the scale, speed, and scope of workforce transformation due to innovation and automation, organizations need to continuously build and advance technological skills across their workforce. However, many organizations are challenged to deliver content to the right people at the right time to build the right skills.

Enter Cornerstone Content Subscriptions.

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Cornerstone Content Subscription: SMB Essentials


Cornerstone Content Subscription: SMB Essentials

The high rate of business change and widening skills gaps are outpacing most organization’s ability to keep up. It’s becoming increasingly challenging to ensure people are fully productive and effectively skilled, let alone compliant. Employee learning preferences and professional development demands are outpacing L&D’s ability to deliver.

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