人財関連従事者にとって、いまだかつてない変化に富んだ時代がきました。たった10年の間に地域・業界・大きさ問わず、どの企業でも、どんな役職でも、「働く」の定義がドラマチックに変革しました。職場に対する社員の期待の変革は同時に課題も出てきており、人事部のリーダーにとっても素晴らしい機会であるといえます。 人財開発を任される者として、皆さんはこの目まぐるしい変化への対応の大変さを日々実感していることでしょう。社員が一人一人に合わせた仕事上のエクスペリエンスを得るようにアプローチし、一方で会社のニーズも満たし、人財開発プログラムに対するポジティブなインパクトも証明しなければならないのです。 そこでこちらのハンドブックの出番です。 社員のポジティブなエクスペリエンスを長期的な目線で創造する 人財開発のリーダーならば社員だけでなく、社員が職場で得るエクスペリエンスについてもその重要性をご存知でしょう。 そこで世界中の30人以上の人財開発のプロフェッショナルと業界のエキスパートから洞察を集めハンドブックにしました。 AMEX、アストラゼネカ、BJCヘルスケア、富士通、そしてVulcanなど、人財開発に特に力を入れていることで知られるいくつかの企業からの実践的な情報を紹介しています。そして、Bersin、Brandon Hall Group、Fistful of Talent、Fosway、HR Examiner、Lighthouse Research、RedThread Research、Towards Maturityなどの多才な研究者や作家から、社員のエクスペリエンスをマネジメントするための先進的なアイデアと新しいアプローチが得られます。 ここで少しエキスパートからの洞察をご紹介いたします。 個人に最適化された真のエンプロイージャーニー ここに挙げた例は、膨大な専門知識のほんの一部に過ぎません。 大勢の賢者が私たちや皆さんに知見を共有してくれています(資料はすべて日本語化されています) Josh Bersin – Bersin Academy Dani Johnson – RedThread Research Michael Rochelle – Brandon Hall Group Julie Winkle-Giulioni – DesignArounds David Wilson – Fosway Group Jane Daly – Towards Maturity Steve Simpson – Keystone Management Services Tim Sackett – HRU Technical Resources Ben Eubanks – Lighthouse Research and Advisory Jason Lauritsen – Engagement & Culture Expert このハンドブックを読み終えるころには今後の会社の発展に貢献し、そして社員にも喜ばれるような、面白くて個人に最適化されたエクスペリエンスの創造に関する新しいアイデアや戦略が身についていることでしょう。 社員を夢中にさせるエクスペリエンスの創り方のダウンロードはこちら従業員エクスペリエンス(仕事から得る経験・満足感)の創造―人財開発業界のリーダーからの答え
Remember that "the customer experience is dependent on the employee experience." Every time we make employees' lives better, we better serve customers. Look at the common "moments that matter" at work first, and flatten these issues completely. Onboarding, job changes, relocation etc. Every company can look at these topics and map out better solutions.
Personal talent experiences and the organization's processes that drive results should fall under one approach. Strong talent and development strategies overlap individuals natural desires to learn and develop, with the organization's needs. This happens in organizations where they understand and communicate the skills they need to succeed, and then motivate employees to develop them.
Organizations spend their time developing a more flexible, agile and diverse workforce. The key to building this workforce is providing employees with opportunities to grow – personally and professionally. Meaningful work, an attentive manager, and rewards and recognition motivate employees, and smart organizations work diligently to provide this environment.
While organizational processes are necessary, no one develops from annual mandated activities. Employees around the world report that their success boiled down to three factors: Trust – leaders whom they trusted to provide meaningful feedback and to have their backs. Belief – leaders who saw something in them they may not have seen in themselves. Ongoing conversation – leaders who prioritized accessibility, listening and dialogue.
Seemingly every aspect of the employee lifecycle must now be a great experience. And in a talent deficient economy, it cannot be taken for granted. Employers are increasingly recognizing that the commitment they expect from employees has to be earned and nurtured. But remember, real experiences come from what people do and how they behave, not from a company's processes and systems.
High-performing learning cultures are the most successful at creating heuristic experiences that build value. They continually upskill and network with key experts to enable self-determined experiences, not just self-directed, which just focuses on content rather than the experience of a learner consumer-centric ecosystem.
Create an environment where people demonstrate a hunger and expectation for learning and growth – aimed at strengthening the aspirational culture. People won't be "punished" (through extra catch-up work) for attending professional development initiatives. Leaders and employees will show a real interest in hearing what others have learned.
If you suck at something, technology does a good job at amplifying that! So, before you can deliver a great employee experience using technology, your employee experience design should be great without it. Then the technology will help you deliver that experience more consistently and faster than ever.
We can create more people-centric workplaces AND drive more value for the business. Engaged companies can outperform disengaged companies by 150 percent. We've seen this play out in our research again and again: companies with better revenue, engagement, and employee retention see talent differently, treat talent differently, and they don't apologize for it.
If you find that taking a people-centric approach to employee experience is in conflict with your organization's processes, then those processes are broken. Sure, you can try to mitigate the impact of those processes, but you should also address what processes are out of alignment with how people do their best work and fix it.