Work in Asia’s data age

The steady advance of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies has been reshaping work and jobs for the past decade. Well before covid-19, robust debates were underway about the future of work and what potential scenarios for employment might emerge.

Based on a combination of survey-based market research and in-depth executive interviews, this report explores how businesses are leveraging AI capabilities to reshape their organizations and operations.

It is sponsored by Cornerstone, and the views expressed within are those of MIT Technology Review Insights, which is editorially independent.

AI搭載のプラットフォームであり、組織が必要としているワークフォース・アジリティ(組織の即応性)に対応するCornerstone Galaxyは、組織がスキルギャップや能力開発の機会を特定し、優秀な人財を引き付けると共にエンゲージメントを高め、現代の組織における多様なニーズに応える多面的な学習体験を提供することを実現します。

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