The shortage of skilled workers has become a very real problem for the manufacturing industry – and one that can have a significant negative impact. Without the right people with the right skills, a manufacturing company simply cannot attain the operational excellence and productivity required to thrive. The ability to bring products to market cost-efficiently – all while meeting strict government regulations – is severely hindered. And digital transformation is throttled. You may have first noticed the drying-up of suitable talent a few years ago; well paid jobs that used to be filled immediately started taking a month, then two, then three to fill. Before you knew it you had a backlog of openings and very few ideal internal or external candidates with the skills required to step-up.
Cornerstone Galaxy, the complete AI-powered Workforce Agility platform, allows organizations to identify skills gaps and development opportunities, retain and engage top talent, and provide multi-modal learning experiences to meet the diverse needs of the modern workforce.