Cornerstone Opportunity Marketplace
目まぐるしく進化する現代においては、常に市場での競争力 を維持するために従業員のキャリアアップの方向性を多方 面に考え、人事管理のアプローチをリスキリング、アップスキ リング、人財定着へと適応させていかなければなりません。
Cornerstone Opportunity Marketplaceを活用することによ って、AIによってパーソナライズされた学習、実のあるプロジェ クト、そして本人の将来への希望やスキルセットに合わせたメ ンターシップで、従業員の能力を高めることができます。
ブライトホライズン社はBright Horizons Family Solutions®というファミリーセンターを設け、幼児教育、就学前教育、企業内保育、一時託児サービス、教育アドバイスなどを提供しています。
Cornerstone Talent Marketplace
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, organizations must adapt their approach to reskilling, upskilling, and talent retention to remain competitive and foster employee career exploration. By leveraging Cornerstone Talent Marketplace, your organization can empower your people with AI-powered personalized learning opportunities, meaningful projects, and valuable mentorships tailored to their skill sets and aspirations.
Cornerstone Talent Marketplace
Cornerstone Talent Marketplace provides inclusive access to internal opportunities like projects, gigs, connections to mentors, and new roles – at scale through the power of AI. Employees will have the visibility, connections, and experiences they need to get the career they want – with the learning that will get them there. Also, with visibility to workforce insights, organizations can look ahead to make use of people’s skills now while looking ahead to develop their potential. Opportunity Marketplace provides a seamless, holistic development experience to engage and retain employees, and drive workforce agility.