Blog Post
Qu'est-ce qu'un « leader » dans notre industrie ?
Quand on demande aux employés de Cornerstone pourquoi ils adorent travailler ici, trois thèmes reviennent inévitablement. Notre personnel. Notre secteur. Nos clients.
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Cornerstone: Wegbereiter der Agilität
In einer immer dynamischeren Wirtschaftswelt ist Veränderung keine Randnotiz – sie ist die treibende Kraft, die uns voranbringt oder stolpern lässt. Wir haben im Laufe der Jahre viele Formen des Wandels erlebt, das aktuelle Tempo aber setzt völlig neue Maßstäbe. Viele Mitarbeitende können nicht mehr Schritt halten. Lighthouse Research belegte, dass 39 % der Arbeitnehmer ihren Arbeitgebern nicht zutrauen, sich an den Wandel anpassen zu können.
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Was es bedeutet, in unserer Branche führend zu sein
Wenn Sie die Mitarbeitenden von Cornerstone fragen, warum sie gerne hier arbeiten, hören Sie unweigerlich drei Dinge. Unsere Mitarbeitenden. Unsere Branche. Unsere Kunden.
Blog Post
Cosa significa essere leader nel nostro settore
Quando chiedete ai dipendenti di Cornerstone perché amano lavorare in quest'azienda, tre saranno le risposte più frequenti: le persone, il settore, i clienti.
Blog Post
Triumphantly united: Cornerstone joins forces with Paralympic luminary Melissa Stockwell
Grit is, in my mind, the biggest factor in what makes someone successful. Do they show courage and resilience in the face of obstacles and challenges? Do they support their teammates as they work and grow? Grit is one of the top characteristics I look for in leaders I work with and people we partner with at Cornerstone.
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Navigating Ambiguity: Insights from Himanshu Palsule, CEO of Cornerstone
Ambiguity can be unsettling and uncertain, but it can also be rewarding.
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Cornerstone: Pioneering the path to agility
In the ever-evolving world of business, change isn't merely a footnote — it's the narrative driving our journey, either forward or reverse. We've seen it manifest in many forms throughout the years, but this velocity of change sets a new benchmark. And many workforces are struggling to keep up. According to findings found in partnership with Lighthouse Research, 39% of employees do not think their employer can adapt to changing conditions.
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What it means to lead in our industry
When you ask people at Cornerstone why they love working here, you inevitably hear three key themes emerge. Our people. Our industry. Our customers.
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Cornerstone: Pioneros en el camino hacia la agilidad
En el mundo empresarial actual, cada vez más dinámico, el cambio no es una mera anécdota, sino el hilo conductor de nuestro viaje, que nos hace avanzar o retroceder. Lo hemos visto manifestado en numerosas formas a lo largo de los años. Sin embargo, la actual velocidad de cambio está marcando pautas completamente nuevas. Y muchos empleados están teniendo dificultades para seguir el ritmo. Lighthouse Research descubrió que el 39 % de los empleados no creen que sus empleadores puedan adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes.
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Cornerstone: pionieri del percorso verso l'agilità
Nel mondo del business in continua evoluzione, il cambiamento non è un fatto marginale: è il racconto che guida il nostro viaggio, in avanti o all'indietro. Nel corso degli anni il cambiamento ha assunto diverse forme, ma la sua velocità attuale definisce nuovi standard di riferimento. E molti lavoratori faticano a restare al passo. Lighthouse Research ha rilevato che il 39% dei dipendenti non crede che il loro datore di lavoro sia in grado di adattarsi al cambiamento delle condizioni.