Cornerstone Originals — It's Our First Birthday!

Updated: December 13, 2024

By: Summer Salomonsen


Just about a year ago, we launched our first-ever Cornerstone Originals learning series—Digital Native Advancement (DNA)—and watched with excitement as our customers took it and ran! DNA embodied everything we wanted in our flagship Cornerstone Original. It was innovative and strategic, but it also captured our goal of amplifying a trending topic in a new way. And that type of innovation doesn’t come easy.

This team—Cornerstone Studios—represents the best of the content business. We’re storytellers, videographers, writers, curators, dreamers, strategists, artists, but most of all, we’re a team of learners.

And over the past year, this team has accomplished incredible things. We’ve stretched ourselves to create and innovate through constraints—and boy did we have a lot of constraints in 2020.

The biggest of which was when our workplace shifted overnight from in-person to work-from-home. We closed both our New York and Los Angeles Studios back in March. And since then, we’ve had to find a new way to produce content.

Enter the Cornerstone Boom Box—our remote production kits. Our team valiantly took on the task of shooting all new footage using iPhone 11s and remote set-directing through WebEx without missing a beat! All in all, we produced 10(!) programs using the Cornerstone Boom Box.

It’s been an honor to lead such a talented, hardworking team and to see everything they’ve accomplished in the face of adversity during the first year of Cornerstone Originals.

For those of you who have been with us along this journey, thank you. We’re just getting started. You’ll love what we have planned for this next year. Stay tuned to find out.

If you’re not as familiar with all of the great Cornerstone Originals content, you can explore it here.

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