Welcome to ReWork!

Updated: December 13, 2024

By: Beth Thompson


Three years ago, we started our blog to spur conversation about the changing landscape of talent management, hinged upon the influence of technology in our industry. Fast forward to today, and what began as a few posts has grown into a thriving community of expert contributors, internal gurus and readers sharing novel insights and advice on a variety of topics — from engagement through gamification to Tinder for recruiting to the everlasting value of intuition (even in our data-driven age).

We are inspired daily by the conversations and ideas shared on this site, and today, we're thrilled to announce the next iteration of the Cornerstone blog: ReWork. With a crisp design, new features and a sharpened focus, ReWork reflects our ambition to be a guide to the modern world of work, helping executives and HR leaders navigate and succeed in the tech-driven economy.

We'll continue to feature HR's leading experts, explore cutting-edge technology and offer solutions to today's toughest talent management challenges, but we're changing things up, too. Here are a few big things you'll notice on the new ReWork:

As you'll often read on our blog, mobile is fundamentally changing the way we create, consume and share information — both in the workplace and our personal lives. Our new design is easy to navigate, highly visual and completely responsive, so you can stay on top of the latest stories from any device — desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. We've also integrated social sharing more fluently into the design, so you can quickly and easily share articles with your networks.

The world of work is changing, bringing new talent management trends and practices into the limelight. To reflect the changing priorities of HR, the articles on ReWork are now categorized into six topics:

  • Talent Management: Management-level stories and how-tos that run the gamut from recruiting and hiring best practices to employee retention strategies.
  • Learning: L&D is now such a crucial aspect of talent management, it gets its very own category. Expect strategies and examples of how to deliver state-of-the-art learning to your workforce.
  • Innovation: A look at how emerging technologies and digital tools are changing how employees and HR pros do their jobs, with real-world lessons you can apply to your own business.
  • Culture: Tips, tricks and trends on how to attract the best talent with an engaging office culture — covering innovative benefits, the latest perks, company values, wellness programs and more.
  • Leadership: Advice on how HR leaders can get a seat at the C-suite table and editorials on why strategic talent management is critical to business success.
  • Company News: Stay up-to-date with all things Cornerstone, from product announcements to new research to company conferences.

In addition, we're introducing featured articles under "Editor's Picks" and "Most Popular," so you can choose stories based on our team's reading list or dig into what your peers love right now.

The redesign allows us to tell stories in new ways. Expect to see more visual stories that are quick and easy to read, and graphics that explain the latest industry research and management strategies. As we grow, we'll also be adding more names to our team of experts — so stay on the lookout for new faces, or send us a note if you're interested in contributing.

The power of technology to realize human potential has been a guiding force for Cornerstone since day one, and we're excited to continue exploring how the digital world will impact the future of work here on ReWork. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Pardon our mess if you notice any broken images or links that lead to nowhere! We've made every effort to clean house before launching the site, but we've no doubt missed a few glitches. If you notice any problems, please send us a tip at rework@csod.com.

Photo: Shutterstock

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