Opportunity Marketplace

Drive internal mobility and workforce agility using AI

Connect your employees to career growth and opportunities at scale with Cornerstone's award-winning Opportunity Marketplace.
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Join the 7,000+ organizations around the globe that proudly trust Cornerstone

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Connect people with opportunities to develop and grow

AI-Driven opportunity matching
Chart a path to that next role
Multiple pathways to growth
Connected to learning and development
Uncover insights with powerful analytics
success stories from Cornerstone customers

success stories from Cornerstone customers

Cornerstone is an AI-based tool that has really changed the way we look at the future world for us. At the click of a button, we will be able to identify what might be the next career move for an airside handler or a supervisor in a warehouse, and what skills they have that might be transferable to other parts of the business, or that they’d like to develop in order to be an interesting candidate for another division or another country. It opens up endless possibilities.”

Experience a true partner, not just a product

Cornerstone is more than a product, we're your partner.

For more than two decades, we've been at the forefront of talent and people innovation, helping our customers stay ahead of the curve. Our team of experts deeply understands your unique talent challenges and opportunities with an unwavering focus on our customers' success. Together, we will work hand-in-hand with you to deliver extraordinary experiences and the results that matter to your organization.

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Optimize your employee experience

Blog Post

Optimize your employee experience

In 2022, the Cornerstone Thought Leadership and Advisory Services team (TLAS) met with over 200 customers from 155 unique organizations during a series of skills workshops. During these sessions, we collected insights into how customers are developing and maturing their approach to skills as it relates to their overall talent management strategy. We published a white paper on our findings — Your journey to career pathways and empowered employees.

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